Gentle Jonathon

Created by MAUREEN 2 years ago

I knew Jonathon better as a boy than as a young man but my occasional meetings with him in later years showed that the qualities I saw in him when he was much younger hadn't changed.

Jonathon was talented, intelligent, gentle, patient, caring and he had a wry sense of humour. 

The love he had for his Mum and Dad and younger brother Thomas was always evident and I think he viewed his Dads many siblings (of which I am one)  with affection but with also a small amount of bewilderment and amusement. I can see his bemused face as we sat round their dining table sharing memories and laughing hysterically over things which to a younger generation made no sense at all.

Jonathon was obviouly a  son to be proud of and to us, his aunts and uncles he will always be lovingly remembered as our "Gentle Jonathon".